Supporting Simpsons special care babies this Halloween

This Halloween I've decided to donate £3 from every product sold to Simpsons Special Care Babies (SSCB). At the end of the month however much we've raised I will match the amount personally for one big final total. 

This charity is close to my heart as it is with many families across Edinburgh & Surrounding areas. In 2018, Princess Baldi was born 2 months early at 32 weeks. She was tiny and was only 4lb exactly. The team in the Simpsons neonatal are class and make you feel like you are all one big family especially when you see your little human hooked up to every machine making noises every other min. The job that they do is helped by the work of SSCB massively supporting the unit with state of the art equipment, training, research and family support. I owe them everything and as my princess is turning 3 this month now is the time to help raise money for other premature warriors and families!



"Simpsons Special Care Babies is an entirely voluntary run charity, founded in Edinburgh in 1985. Our primary objective is to support the specialist care that the wonderful staff of the Simpson Neonatal Unit provide to babies born prematurely or sick, both within Edinburgh and throughout the country." you can find more about the charity by visiting their website by clicking here

Registered Scottish Charity no. SC002013

If you'd like to donate please get in touch with me or via their website by clicking above.


Bald Baker